Exchange students can apply for housing by filling out an open application and participating in the Homerun event. The application form can be found at

University of Oulu and Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OAMK) arrange housing for the international exchange students in co-operation with PSOAS. On behalf of the universities, PSOAS subleases the apartments to exchange students. The empowerment for the subleasing and other housing services is given to PSOAS in the agreement it has with the universities. The apartments are rented only for the exchange students of the University of Oulu and Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OAMK).

Exchange students arriving for the fall semester can reserve apartments via Homerun on PSOAS website in June. The dates and instructions will be sent to all applicants before the booking period begins. For the spring semester Homerun will be held in November. Every applicant can choose the apartment they like and book it online. After booking, instructions for paying the deposit and an invitation to sign the lease online will be sent by email.

Make sure to choose the apartment according to your place of studies. Options for the University of Oulu are listed here and options for the University of Applied Sciences are here. If you wish to get rooms in the same apartment with friends, be sure to choose them together. The apartments cannot be changed later.

Please notice that if the volume of applicants is higher than the amount of apartments, PSOAS cannot guarantee an apartment for everyone.

There are rules in the offering process that give a priority status to certain students. For example, applications from students coming with a bilateral agreement will be prioritized, because the universities have made agreements that guarantee accommodation for exchange students coming through certain exchange programs. Also, the offering order depends on the arrival time (in principle August arrivals before September arrivals) and the length of stay (those staying for the whole year will get an offer first), as well as on the date when the applicant has sent the housing application through PSOAS website. If there are vacant rooms, other free movers and students with CIMO, Fulbright or other scholarships can rent an apartment for a short period of time, during spring and summer.

Check our video of the application process!

PSOAS offers rental apartments for students in Oulu

Learn more about the apartments and areas and fill in the application. PSOAS has shared apartments, studios and bigger apartments.

Read more about the student life at PSOAS and get to know the facts about living, applying and moving in.