PSOAS is involved in a new kind of experiment to tell more about how our homes are warming up. The aim is to increase understanding and transparency of how district heating works and how you can make a difference, especially from the point of view of ecological housing.
Oulun Energia, in cooperation with other district heating companies *, has developed the HeatSeeker game with the help of the game studio LudoCraft. The aim of the game is to help Alina, who lives within a district heating company, analyze her own living behavior, make greener choices and understand how and where the heating costs included in the rent consist.
Help Alina succeed in the game, you can win movie tickets, a gift card to Kure Store or the local reastaurant Tuba. Have fun!
You can play the game here. For the time being the game is only in Finnish. But don’t worry, English version is coming soon!
Pssst. LudoCraft wanted to mention that the game is in a pilot phase and will be further developed, so it has not been mobile optimized. Sure, you can play the game on your phone, but you’ll get the best experience on your desktop or pad.
Have fun playing and good luck with the gift card draw!
* This cooperation has started from the Industryhack innovation competition held in spring 2020, where six district heating companies (Hyvinkään Lämpövoima, Turku Energia, Oulun Energia, Tampereen Sähkölaitos, VSV-Energia and Vantaan Energia) jointly applied for innovative solutions and partners to develop the district heating customer experience. The implementation is developed by LudoCraft, a game studio that has won an innovation competition.
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