Basic information

Apartment status rented
Address Kajaanintie 34 C 31
Rooms 1h+kk
Size m2 32,50
Rent 387.26€ / month
Floor 3
Place for a washing machine no place
Place for a dishwasher no place
Floor material Vinyl flooring
Bedroom window West
Living room window West
Balcony -
Sauna no
Stove Stove

Location images

Basic information

Osoite Kajaanintie 34 C 31
Apartment size 32,50m2
Property features common sauna, hobby room, laundry room, parking space, storage rooms
Rent 387.26€ / month
Number of apartments 12

Location info

Many people prefer to live in Välkkylä. It is an integral part of the spectacular history – and present – of student life in Oulu.

The cosy Välkkylä student village was built in 1966-1971 and the buildings were renovated in 1993-1995. In Välkkylä is accommodation for 238 single dwellers and 156 families.

New construction in the Välkkylä area will start in autumn 2022. The construction may cause noise nuisance to the area’s tenants.

Additional location info

Neighbourhood info

Välkkylä is some seven kilometers from the Linnanmaa campus. You can reach it by bus quickly and flexible. The departments of the Faculty of Medicine, the University Hospital and Medipolis are within a few minute’s walking distance, as are the train and bus stations.

Additional neighbourhood info