Basic information

Apartment status rented
Gender female
Address Toivoniemi 1 A 81/2
Size m2 17,50
Rent 337.06€ / month
Floor 8
Place for a washing machine no place
Place for a dishwasher 60 cm
Floor material Laminaatti
Bedroom window North
Living room window
Balcony -
Sauna no
Stove Stove
Fixed lamp in room yes

Location images

Basic information

Osoite Toivoniemi 1 A 81/2
Apartment size 17,50m2
Property features parking space, storage rooms, laundry room, common sauna
Rent 337.06€ / month
Number of apartments 14

Location info

Built in 1958, Domus Botnica is the first student apartment building in Oulu. The house is located in ideal surroundings by the river and within a walking distance from downtown Oulu. In 2014 the house went through a complete renovation.

The apartments of this building are primarily offered to the students of the University of Oulu and Oulu University of Applied Sciences (UAS). There are in total 16 3-room shared apartments, 18 studios and 18 family apartments in this location. All shared apartments have their own bathroom in each room and every tenant has their own lockable fridge in the common areas.

Additional location info

Neighbourhood info

Toivoniemi is located on a unique spot in Oulu’s Koskikeskus, by the river. The distance to downtown is just over one kilometer.

Additional neighbourhood info